Monday, January 28, 2008

Morning has broken...

Find this very meaningful.. Am comforted and touched by it~
God bless.

Do Not Be Anxious

Do not be anxious when the living
Of your life brings grief and sorrow.
Offer God your glad thanksgiving,
Thank Him for each bright tomorrow.
(Phillipians 4:6)

Do not be anxious when your giving,
Is not returned by even one.
Trust in God; have no misgiving,
He sees every deed that's done.
(Matthew 6:1-4)

Do not be anxious for tomorrow,
Is that not what God's Word does say?
From it's trouble never borrow,
Suffice the evil of today.
(Matthew 6:34)

Do not be anxious in the "warring",
Of your soul with sin and doubt.
In God's love you'll find restoring,
Grace and power to bring you out.
(1Peter 5:10)

Do not be anxious in the hurry,
And the pressures of the strife.
Who of you by fret and worry,
Can add one hour to your life.
(Luke 12:25)

Do not be anxious, never waver,
When the dark clouds dim your view.
Cast every fear upon our Saviour,
For He loves and cares for you.
(1 Peter 5:7)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ku MiLikki KaSihMu~

Ku milikki kasihMu,
Yang tak ternilai bagiku
Meskipun tak kupunya,
Siapapun juga

Sungguh indah kasihMu,
Yang tak bersyarat untuk ku
Walaupun tak ada yang mengasihiku

Kau Tuhan adalah Bapaku
Yang sangat menyayanyi ku
Tak pernah sekali pun, ku dapati
Kau sakiti hatiku

Kau Tuhan adalah Bapaku
S'lalu memperhatikan Ku
Tak ada alasan ku ragu-ragu
Ku serahkan hatiku


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back to Uni..

It has now been the 4th week Im back to uni for my 2nd sem of Year 3. I thank God for a wonderful, fruitful holiday back at home after missing home for one whole sem.. God is good.. and He is good all the time!!

Yes, A new beginning, a new start which lies ahead an array of challenges right in front of me.. Challenges I can foresee, challenges I've yet to know, yet challenges that would just send worries and concern down my heart. Life is just full of worries and Im just troubled thinking, pondering, dreaming about them.. Sometimes, I just don't know, I really do not know.. What am i supposed to do? Should I or should I not? Whatever it is, it just doesn't seem right.. Is it my lack of faith, is it my inability to comprehend? But yet, I know, and Im rest assured that He holds my world, and my God is too good to allow a mistake. So, when I don't understand, when I don't see His plans, when I can't trace His hand, TRUST the heart and WALK in faith.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

UPs AnD DoWns...

In my distressed moments, the Lord is my pillar of strength, whom I can onto and depend on. As I ponder upon the ways of how I can be strengthened, encouraged, or refreshed in the Lord when Im feeling discouraged, I am reminded to:

~Remember what God has done~
It helps to list the ways He has cared for us in the past, and how He has provided for us or answered a prayer request.

~Remember what God has promised~
"Be Strong and of good courage; .... for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).

Like David, let's learn to strengthen ourselves in the Lord, and then let's leave the rest with Him.

Our greatest strength is often shown in our ability to stand still and trust God.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ist Kuching Brigade Caroling at home, Dec '07

19Dec 2007

'We bring you good news of great joy. This very day in David's town, a Saviour is born. He is Christ, the Lord.'

Indeed, Christmas is a truly a time to of great joy as we remember the love that Christ brings into the world. A King is born!

It's the day for the Boys' and Girls' Brigade Caroling. Thank God for the good weather and for bringing all the members who turned up throughout the practices and the actual day. Although this year we only went to 4 houses in a night, it's a joyful and meaningful time of spreading the good news to all hearts that are open for God's salvation love.