'We bring you good news of great joy. This very day in David's town, a Saviour is born. He is Christ, the Lord.'
Indeed, Christmas is a truly a time to of great joy as we remember the love that Christ brings into the world. A King is born!
It's the day for the Boys' and Girls' Brigade Caroling. Thank God for the good weather and for bringing all the members who turned up throughout the practices and the actual day. Although this year we only went to 4 houses in a night, it's a joyful and meaningful time of spreading the good news to all hearts that are open for God's salvation love.
sis, all these photos reminded me so much of the times when I have carolling before..just that this time it is our home!!!
You do well as an officer! Helping and serving God in this manner.
The photos of Grandma's birthday are very good too. One big happy family! How I wish we are all Christians..eternally saved. Lets continue to pray for them..we can esp encourage those with children to bring them to sunday school/church. That's how our whole family become christian, initt? God will bless our family, I m sure of that. We just need to put our faith in Him, just like Abraham.
I have a quick glance at your whole blog and I really like it. I like esp the poem you write about God knowing our name. I sent that to a friend of mine.
Keep updating and I m blessed visiting your blog, sister!
Much love, bro.
Oh, ya, I ve just magnified the first christmas carolling photo. The Christmas deco in our house is fantastic!!! So tacky..haha!!
btw, why not you put a chat box in your blog? Do you know how? I dont know..but maybe you can ask your friend. Then you can promote your blog to more people.
Bye. Cheerio sis!
yea, it reminds me a lot of our caroling days too.. it'd be even more wonderful with u around too. but no worries, we'll soon have it again as one happy family when we both grad. Sure it'll be a joyous great occasion together yea:)
Would truly be our heart's desire to see all our relatives come to know and accept the Lord. Ya, have encouraged Jojo and Yang yang to join the GB and BB too. And im glad aunty Kim is quite supportive of that. They all loved the Brigade carols very much.
Sure, will update it:) Thought it's a good way to share our happenings with one another. It's a pleasure to know that u like it. Some of the poems are from Our Daily Bread.
With fondest thoughts,
Oh, good idea u gave about getting a chat box. I managed to get it done. Got it from a friend's blog and add it to mine. hehe:)
Hope it's working!!
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