Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Exam's Over!!!

Woww, I'm so glad that exam is finally over now.. Just a few hours ago:) hehe.. Final paper off my shoulder. God, help me do well in all my papers. I submit everything into your hands.

It would now be a perfect time to get myself snug with the books I've borrowed from the church library, in my little corner and just read... read.. read.. Ooh, how nice it is:)

It's also time for me to prepare and get packing for Camp Cam!! Yeah, a 3 weeks' camp from 12th-30th May organised by the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) to build foundations of faith and life in the Word of Life and learning to live life in God's ways. It's going to be a whole new learning experience of 3 weeks in Cameron Highlands. I yearn to experience the awesome presence of God and to hear His still inner voice in the quietness of the heart seeking Him to "Give me life in Thy ways" (Psalm 119:37) which is the theme of the camp.


Jarod Yong said...

3 weeks!
I'm sure it'll be great!

ervinna said...

hey Jarod,
yeah, praise the Lord. It's really a good and meaningful camp throughout the 3 weeks..truly renewed and changed =)