Saturday, September 15, 2007

OnLiNe ReSourCes CUM DeVeLoPMenT oF IWB AsSignMEnT

5th September 2007 (9th Class)

A vast array of educational online resources is shared to us in today's class by Ms Chin. She has brought to our attention the various educational websites which are useful to us in our vocation as a future educator as these sites provide us with interesting ideas and made us aware of online resources which we can use in the classroom.

Among some of the websites which I have gathered are:

This site contains 'e-tuisyen' which provides quality sample questions set by trained and experienced teachers which are aligned with the latest exam format. The 'question bank' provides questions for UPSR, PMR, SPM, STPM, Pre-School, and Pre-University level. In the link 'Bilik Guru', we can obtain teaching plans/ Rancangan Pengajaran, ETeMS materials, and the latest Syllabus, and the Curriculum Specifications.
This is a wonderful and comprehensive site on learning the English Language with details which ranges from its alphabet, rules, phonics, pronunciation, phonetics, homographs, and many more.

This is another site on using the English language equipped with games and quizzes to make the classroom learning more fun and enjoyable. We can even get online quizzes for the pupils from here after we have taught a particular topic.

These two sites above are useful for more in-depth learning and mastery of the Bahasa Melayu language. The first one provides links to notes, activities and exam questions while the second site provides soalan peperiksaan percubaan for the school/ zone/ district/ state level as well as detailed notes on the literature component for SPM or 'Komponen Sastera'
This site is provides a variety of interesting online activities for children also known as 'karyanet laman kanak-kanak', suitable for pre-schoolers or young learners.

At the later part of the session, we were glad to have Prof joining us for the class. She checked through some of our progress on the IWB assignment and gave constructive comments such as getting our Learning Outcomes right for the lesson which we have planned. She emphasized that we should make sure that the 'Learning Outcomes' are not of a very low level of comprehension as expected from the pupils to complete the activities we have designed. We should give learners the opportunity to practice higher level of thinking such as the Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluating instead of merely testing the level of Knowledge, and Comprehension. The Learning Outcomes should also be behavioural in nature which can be measured and observed by the teacher. Hence, the word 'Understand' should not appear in the initial part of our Learning Outcomes. Prof called upon two of our coursemates to share with us their progress and to point out the comments which she has made on their Learning Outcomes.

Here, I would like to share on my development of my IWB assignment on 'Plants'. I have searched and browsed through several sites to get my little brain into working and feeding it with ideas to come up with interesting activities using the IWB software. Among some of the links which I find helpful are:
These sites provide me with ideas into creating activities on learning about the basic needs of plants such as having the right amount of warmth or temperature in order to grow well through the game-like activity from the first website.

Here are some of my IWB slides which I have completed based on different activities after gaining some ideas browsing through the websites.

Click on the link and play the interactive game of discovering 'The basic needs of a plant'

Matching the functions of the different parts of a plant.

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