Wednesday, November 28, 2007

GB Cadets' Camp

23-24 Nov 2007

St. Thomas Cathedral, Kuching.
Girls' Brigade Cadets' Camp.

It was a good and rewarding time taking care of the little ones during these 2 days of camp.

For me, I learn a lot in managing the girls in my group for the activities carried out during the camp. I truly thank God for such lovely children who brings with them an open heart as they learn and grow together as children of God in the Girls' Brigade. Each of us (helpers) were given two girls under our care throughout the camp. My two girls were good and obedient children so I didn't have much difficulty putting them to bed after the vesper session. During the workshop session, we taught them craftwork for different age group. For my group, Amanda and I prepared some pop-up Chrismas cards for the 8 years old girls. Im impressed by the creativity of the different children as they completed their cards. Some of them could really make beautifully-decorated cards for their friends or family members. Overall, I thank God for this precious opportunity to be involved in this Cadets' Camp and to be in contact with these little children.

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